Saturday, May 4, 2019

Class Takeaways

Over the course of the semester I have found that keeping a running blog has made me more aware of events and issues in our society.  One of the biggest takeaways is my new, more complete understanding of the First Amendment and the rights and privileges it gives to the American people.  I now understand why we are the freest country in the world.  I have been able to explore topics such as the Supreme Court, multilingualism, and, most recently, the media ban in Sri Lanka following terrorist attacks.  Blogging about these topics has allowed me to learn in depth about each through research.  From this class in general I have been able to expand my knowledge of the history of the First Amendment, Communications technology, and the world, especially the United States, as it pertains to communications and free speech.  I feel that because of this class, I am able to be a better and more aware citizen.  This is because I have a new understanding of what my duties, rights and responsibilities are as someone born and living in the United States.

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