Friday, March 1, 2019

The Importance of Multilingualism

Many times, Americans are accused of being uneducated or uncultured simply because most are only fluent in English and have not taken the time to learn other languages.  While this generalization is not entirely accurate for all Americans it is important to note that people in most other countries, especially in Europe, Asia, and South America, are able to speak at least two languages.  It is also true that when hiring prospective employees, companies will look highly upon applicants that have second language education.  This is because employers see foreign language fluency and education as a high value entrepreneurial skill.  For foreign relations and international business it is especially imperative that companies employ multilingual personnel in order to effectively communicate with clients.  Knowing a foreign language doesn't only has business applications but also leisure applications.  When traveling to a country that does not primarily speak your native language, it will greatly improve your experience abroad.  This is because you will have a better understanding of the culture, be able to at least somewhat communicate with locals, especially those that speak little to no English, and will better understand many of the places and things that are significant to the country's history.

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