Thursday, March 7, 2019

Authority of the Supreme Court

In 2019 it is often recognized, if not taken for granted, that the Supreme Court has an extremely important role in our Government, and holds a fair amount of power and authority.  This authority is earned through the trust of the American people, and their power is the voice of the American people.  Without our voices the Supreme Court could not function as a branch of government.  This is because the Justices are not allowed to act independently on any issue or case.  Cases and petitions must be brought to them before they can act upon the issue.  The best way to describe this, is that we the people have the power to write and rewrite the constitution, the Supreme Court can only interpret what we write.  With this being said, the Court has been able to make many decisions (not always good ones) on cases that made large and lasting impacts on society.  The Supreme Court did not always have the authority and power it holds now.  Originally, it did not even have its own building, and it was considered the weakest branch of the Government.  Fortunately, the Judicial branch now functions as it was originally intended: to draw the boundaries of Government power.

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